速報APP / 娛樂 / KOSI 101.1

KOSI 101.1



檔案大小:61.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


KOSI 101.1(圖1)-速報App

KOSI 101.1 is Denver’s station for the best music variety! A special blend of your favorite songs that sounds great, especially while you’re working. From artists like Adele, Journey, Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars, Katy Perry, Madonna and Maroon 5.

KOSI 101.1(圖2)-速報App

Start your day with Jonathan Wilde and the most music in the morning. Then Denise Plante helps you get through the workday with “stress-free” music that’ll help the day go by a little faster. Unwind with KOSI on the way home and we’re also the perfect soundtrack for your weekend!

KOSI 101.1(圖3)-速報App

Plus - visit us online at www.kosi101.com for lots more including Jonathan’s blog, Denise’s Style Fyle, and your chance to win terrific prizes as a member of Club KOSI! And connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.

KOSI 101.1(圖4)-速報App

Thanks again for downloading the new KOSI 101.1 app. Now you can enjoy our unique blend of music on the go! Remember, the KOSI app also includes a convenient alarm setting so you can wake up every morning with Denver’s best music variety!

KOSI 101.1(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad